Fast-Track Your Knowledge of Government Procurement
For an overview of the regulatory framework, tender process and tips for companies tendering for Commonwealth, New South Wales, Queensland or Victorian government work, Practical Law has published the following new resources:
- Practice note, Government procurement (Commonwealth).
- Practice note, Government procurement (New South Wales).
- Practice note, Government procurement (Queensland).
- Practice note, Government procurement (Victoria).
For an overview of the key types of government procurement contracts and tips for companies reviewing government contracts, Practical Law has published the following new resources:
- Practice note, Government contracts (Commonwealth).
- Practice note, Government contracts (New South Wales).
- Practice note, Government contracts (Queensland).
- Practice note, Government contracts (Victoria).
Practical Law has also published the following complementary resources:
Checklist, Key considerations when tendering for government work. A checklist offering practical tips and key considerations for a company seeking to tender for government work.
- Toolkit, Procurement lifecycle. A toolkit to guide users through Practical Law's key content relating to the legal, practical and commercial issues associated with the procurement of goods or services.