Practical Law Australia Tip - Using the Q&A comparison tool to compare the law between countries
Last Published: January 11, 2022
Global Home is where you can access Practical Law’s international materials, including the Q&A Comparison tool.
- From the homepage, click on Global Home.
- You can search or browse the global resources, or click on the Country Q&A comparison tool’s Start Comparing button.

- From the comparison tool, select a topic from the list, e.g., Arbitration.

- Tick the questions that you would like answered.

- Select your jurisdictions and click Compare.

Your comparison report will provide an answer to the questions ticked in the jurisdictions selected.
- Answers are written by local law firm experts and reviewed regularly to ensure currency.
- Navigate between the questions using the arrows at the top of the screen.
- Edit the questions at the top of the screen or the jurisdictions on the left.
- Use the delivery options to save to your Practical Law folders, or email, print or download for future reference.