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Catch-up volume published in the Australian Capital Territory Law Reports

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Bryan Meagher SC, Editor of the Australian Capital Territory Law Reports, explains the purpose of Volume 19, a catch-up volume containing cases from 2009-2017. The Introduction to the catch-up volume was published in the preliminary pages of the authorised reports.

The Australian Capital Territory Law Reports were commenced in 2007.

Since then, 18 volumes of cases have been published. The number of cases in each volume varies but is approximately 16.

Cases, that were not reported at the time they were published, are sometimes cited in later cases.

In addition, the Court published a Notice to Practitioners in June 2021 listing Authorities it will have already. The Note is available on the ACT Supreme Court website. Some of those cases are unreported ACT Supreme Court cases.

It has been seen as desirable to publish a volume that contains the unreported ACT criminal cases in the Practice Note and to add some cases that are cited numerous times.

The additional cases are:

Galovac Pty Ltd v Australian Capital Territory [2010] ACTSC 132. It elegantly summarises well known principles applicable in an application for summary judgment,

Theodorelos v Nexus Projects Pty Ltd [2009] ACTSC 149. It contains a comprehensive explanation of different types of appeal,

Peverill v Crampton [2010] ACTSC 79. It explains the nature of an appeal in a criminal case from the Magistrates Court, and

Legal Practitioners v Council of the Law Society (ACT) [2011] ACTSC 207. It explores the appeal provisions of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

The other 12 cases are referred to in the Practice Note applicable to appeals in criminal matters in the Court of Appeal.


By Bryan Meagher SC

By Law Reports Alerts

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