Australian Legislation – Currency Dates and Future Notes
Additionally, to enable users to be aware of any forthcoming changes to a section, a “Future Note” is added to each section that is subject to an uncommenced amendment or a self-expiry provision.
The "Applies from" date will help legislation users determine when a specific section commenced, or when the section was most recently amended, and whether the currently displayed version of the section applies to the time frame of the matter they are researching.
Westlaw users will be easily able to:
- determine the currency of a legislation provision when viewing a provision or legislation document or search result
- determine how recently a legislation provision has been updated
- recognise legislation provisions that are subject to a future amendment
- determine details of any forthcoming amendments to a legislation provision
The new Section-level currency dates, are displayed in new Westlaw Australia on the 1) Document, 2) Search Results, and in 3) Type ahead: