Westlaw Australia Tip - NewsRoom - Monitoring your key clients or companies
Last Published: January 12, 2022
- On the homepage, scroll down the page and click on NewsRoom.

- If you would like to monitor Australian and New Zealand content, click on Australia & New Zealand News on the right-hand side of the screen.

- If you want to monitor Australia Top Newspapers click on Top Australian newspapers. Otherwise, select the newspapers you would like to search.

- When you have selected the newspapers you would like to monitor, if your search string is simple, type your search terms in the global search bar, e.g., to search for Adani, type adani or "Adani Abbot point terminal"

- You can use the advanced search template to use specific fields by clicking the Advanced link to the right of to the global search bar.
Tick the Excluding Documents field to remove results such as sport, obituaries, and routine financial data.You can also restrict your search using the date options. At the bottom of the search template, the Expose and identify duplicate documents tick box allows you to remove articles that are syndicated and reprinted from one newspaper to another. This often happens with Newscorp articles.

- Run your search and filter results as required.
- To create the email alert, click on the bell icon at the top of the results list and click on Create Westclip alert.

- In the Basics options give your Alert a name and then click on the Continue button.

- In the Select Content options, your content appears in the right-hand pane. If you do not want to add more content to search across click on the Continue button.

- In the enter search terms options you can make final adjustments to your search criteria. Otherwise, click on the Continue button.

- In the Customise delivery options add the email addresses of the recipients. In the What to Deliver options you can choose to receive a list of documents links or the full text of the articles in the email (Inline HTML).

- Finally, schedule the alert frequency and time, then click on Save Alert.