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Connect 4 - Enhancements and changes Jul – Dec 2016


The Connect 4 team continue to develop our databases and services and would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to a few recent developments that have taken place.

These changes may assist you in narrowing your search to find exactly what you are looking for, or introduce a whole new avenue of discovery.

Home Screen

New Welcome to Connect 4 home screen

Information on Getting started 
Details to help identify the products within the Connect 4 suite to which you subscribe
Introduction of product information tiles which will allow Connect 4 team to update clients
Tips ’n tricks
Introduction of new features 
Changes to Connect 4 products – such as the New S&P GICS industry code for Real Estate and Real Estate Investment Trist (REITs)


Connect 4 is continuing to progressively enhance its coverage of C-level positions to more readily reflect job titles used by ASX companies. The coverage of KMPs has also been broadened to include all KMPs mentioned in the annual report together with remuneration where disclosed (or indicated if not provided*). 

  • Field ‘NPBC’ means person not paid by the company for this position
  • Field ‘RNP’ means person is this position has no remuneration provided

Clients can now isolate independent non-executive directors once a search has been completed. Results will display on search screen and can then be downloaded into a spreadsheet and sorted using Excel.

Document products

Connect 4 is currently trialing a replacement of the current PDF manager/publisher software to allow for quicker processing of documents and enhanced functionality.


By Wyn Diong

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