Anti-bribery and corruption in the spotlight
Bribery and corruption is set to be in the spotlight in 2023 following the passing of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 (Cth). This legislation establishes a National Anti-Corruption Commission, a body empowered to investigate allegations of bribery and corruption and in appropriate cases, refer such allegations for prosecution.
To ensure your corporate compliance and governance programs are up to scratch when it comes to bribery and corruption, check out our newly refreshed and overhauled anti-bribery and corruption content suite together with the following brand new resources:
- Toolkit, Anti-bribery and corruption. A toolkit to guide users through Practical Law's resources relating to anti-bribery and corruption.
- Standard document, Anti-bribery and corruption policy (internal). An anti-bribery and corruption policy designed to assist a company to comply with its obligations under Australian anti-bribery legislation. The policy sets out the company's expectations of its directors, officers, employees, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, interns or other internal persons who perform services on its behalf (Personnel) regarding bribery and corruption. The policy may also apply to the company's subsidiaries or companies controlled by it and their Personnel. It also sets out how concerns regarding bribery or corruption can be raised with the company and consequences for breach of the anti-bribery and corruption policy.
- Standard document, Gifts and hospitality register spreadsheet. A template gifts and hospitality register, to track and record key information about gifts and hospitality given or received by a company. It is designed to assist companies to comply with anti-bribery and corruption laws in Australia. The template is downloadable in Microsoft Excel.
- Checklist, Offences and penalties under federal, state and territory anti-bribery legislation. A table setting out the key elements of bribery offences and the applicable penalties for individuals and corporations under federal (Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)), state and territory anti-bribery legislation.