Bell Review into Star Entertainment Group presents significant lessons for in-house lawyers
On 31 August 2022, Adam Bell SC handed down his findings into The Star casino's suitability to hold a casino licence in New South Wales (NSW). The Review of The Star Pty Ltd (Bell Review) was established to determine whether The Star could hold a casino licence and had complied with its legal obligations. The Bell Review was initiated under sections 30 and 143 of the Casino Control Act 1992 (NSW) and began in November 2021.
The Review of The Star Pty Ltd, Inquiry under sections 143 and 143A of the Casino Control Act 1992 (NSW) is a three-volume final report which presents an interesting case study for in-house lawyers on:
- The importance of having clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
- The risks of overburdening individuals and legal teams in an organisation.
- Reporting requirements, regulatory and legal compliance (in this instance, when legal professional privilege applies).
- Ensuring there are adequate risk and compliance measures in an organisation.
See Legal update: archive, Bell Review into Star Entertainment Group presents significant lessons for in-house lawyers for an overview of the background to the inquiry and a detailed analysis of the key lessons for in-house lawyers.