Second tranche of reforms to Security of Critical Infrastructure Act commence
Legal update, Second tranche of reforms to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth) receive Royal Assent. The Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Act 2022 (Cth) (SLACIP Act 2022) received Royal Assent on 1 April 2022 and commenced on 2 April 2022. The SLACIP Act 2022, along with the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Act 2021 (Cth) which commenced in December 2021, complete a significant package of reforms to the legislative framework for the security of critical infrastructure in Australia.
This legal update provides a brief overview of the reforms introduced by the SLACIP Act 2022 and outlines the recent amendments made to the bill based on the recommendations of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security which were released in its Advisory Report on 25 March 2022. The update also outlines the next steps for the government in the implementation of the reforms and further proposed industry consultation.